An emerging role of platelet-rich plasma and hyperbaric oxygen in the management of inclusion body myositis: a case report


  • Alan Katz Hyperbaric Medical Solutions, NY, USA
  • Kristin Thomson 1Hyperbaric Medical Solutions, NY, USA 2Stony Brook University, NY, USA
  • Daniel Morgan Hyperbaric Medical Solutions, NY, USA



Inclusion body myositis, Hyperbaric oxygen therapy, Hyperbaric oxygenation, Refractory wounds, Regenerative medicine, Platelet-rich plasma


Inclusion body myositis is an uncommon inflammatory myopathy that causes progressive muscle weakness. Patient management includes immunosuppressant therapy and nonpharmacologic therapies, like physical, occupational, and speech therapy. Standard treatment plans focus on the maintenance of muscle strength and function. Many patients do not respond to pharmacologic therapies and due to the progressive nature of this myopathy, patients eventually become debilitated. Hyperbaric oxygen therapy and platelet-rich plasma injections were provided as adjunctive therapy to a 70-year-old female patient with inclusion body myositis. After treatment, she had improvement in her muscle function and improved ambulation. This case study highlights the impact of adjunctive therapy in a patient with inclusion body myositis.  


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Case Reports